Saturday, August 14, 2010

Smoke and Mirrors - The Similarities Between The OJ & The MJ Scandals

To understand the similarities between the OJ & the MJ scandals, click on the following link and go to the last paragraph.  (The Trials of MJ, Chapter 2, Page 22, Last Paragraph).

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sony and Sneddon Connection

Sony and Sneddon Connection

August 12, 2010 – Sony and Sneddon Connection

We left off yesterday with the paragraph in history between April of 2002 and Martin Bashir’s libelous documentary on Michael Jackson, and the discovery of self-dealing by those who were supposed to represent Michael as part of the trial investigations.

“In April of 2002, Martin Bashir had been inserted into Michael’s life. He filmed and edited an unapproved documentary that was aired in February of 2003, the same month Michael Jackson fired John Branca for conflict of interest and self-dealing. In March of 2003, Tom Sneddon launched an investigation, the second in 10 years, against Michael Jackson. In November of 2003 Michael was arrested. In January 2005 his trial began. During the trial, Interfer, hired by lawyer LeGrande, uncovered improprieties between Branca and Sony’s Tommy Mottola.” Original post

None of this could have been possible had it not been for the cooperation of certain California authorities.

Enter Tom Sneddon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Was MJ a Shopaholic?

Did Michael have a spending problem?

As Fate Would Have It....

While Michael was acquiring the ATV/Beatles Catalog, Sony was acquiring CBS, Michael's Record Label.

MJ handled is ATV/Beatles Catalog Acquisition Like a Gentleman....

Michael did check to see if Paul or Yoko wanted to buy the ATV/Beatles Catalogue before he made his move.

MJ was always the force behind acquiring the ATV/Beatles Catalogue

According to Lynton Guest, it was always Michael's idea to purchase the ATV/Beatles Catalogue, no one else's.

The Beatles, Brian Epstein, Northern Songs, Sir Lew Grade, ATV

The Beatles, Brian Epstein, Northern Songs, Sir Lew Grade, ATV