Thursday, July 1, 2010

Michael was not an addict, and it wasn’t an accidental overdose.

Jun 18 2010 - Seven @ 5:15 am

“Buprenex does the same as demerol, the only difference is you cannot become an addict on Buprenex. Buprenex Synthetic Demerol. 2 vials I would feel safe. Have it in case of accident.”

Michael evidently wrote this note to himself. As you can see, he was very concerned about not becoming addicted to painkillers and requested a non-addictive alternative for his needs.

This is not something an addict who was seeking substances just to get high would care about. Michael did suffer some physical pain. Because of the extreme physical exertion, stamina and athletic ability required in his dance performances, he was at risk for injury and sometimes did become injured, such as when the ‘bridge‘ in an Earth Song performance collapsed. Michael continued performing after that bridge fell, but apparently collapsed after the show was over. He was injured and in a great deal of pain. Michael had subsequent back pain and back problems after that. He also had a bit of arthritis in his fingers, back, and knees in his later years.

This means he was an addict? Is everyone who has been injured or has arthritis an addict? I don’t think so.

In my own opinion, and I have addicts in my own family, this is not a note an addict would write, or a concern an addict would have. Addicts only want to get their fix, their high. That’s all. They don’t care if the substance they get it from is addictive. They’re way beyond that. Michael wasn’t. Because Michael wasn’t an addict or misusing ‘painkillers‘ or any other drugs at or surrounding the time he died, IMO, given the facts.

At one time years ago, he did become addicted to painkillers. However, he received treatment and since that time, from what I can tell, he was very careful what he used and put in his body.

Aphrodite Jones mentioned this in a recent interview with a fan group on UStream. Ms. Jones stated that she knew that Michael was very particular what he put in his body as far as food and drugs were concerned. She didn’t give specifics, but the note above corroborates that. That interview with Ms. Jones can be heard here.

A recent comment from his own Mother, whom he was quite close to:

A year on from his death, Michael’s mother does not accept he died of natural causes. ‘He was too young for that, but something happened. I heard from people he was taking prescription drugs but I’ve never seen my son in any way…even talking to him on the phone, he was always himself. I never asked him about that as he was always normal. I don’t think he just died of natural causes. I don’t believe that. It was someone who was watching over him…and he died. If I could see him again I would ask him, “Who did this to you?” -Katherine Jackson Michael suffered physical pain like many of us do and when it was necessary to function, probably sought pain relief. But I don’t personally believe he was anymore an ‘addict‘ to ‘painkillers‘ when he died than I am an addict to Ibuprofin that I take for headaches or muscle aches.

A friend of mine says: “It’s time they started treating Michael’s death like a murder, instead of just another celebrity drug overdose“. I agree with her.

In a previous piece here co-written by the friend (Nikki) who made this statement, it is explained why and how the “Michael Jackson was an addict” and “this is just another celebrity drug overdose” meme the media is pushing doesn’t quite wash.

The drugs that contributed to Michael’s death were benzodiazepines (Valium, Versed, and Avitan) and the sedative/hypnotic propofol. Benzodiazepines are for insomnia and anxiety. They are not painkillers. Michael was not addicted to painkillers and did not “die from an overdose of painkillers“, like the media seems to have a penchant for repeating over and over and over again. Propofol is also not a painkiller and I am quite frankly sick of the media calling it that.

Michael died because a negligent doctor (who I am convinced knew exactly what he was doing) gave him a lethal combination of drugs, (none of them “painkillers“) topped off with a large amount of propofol (which is sedative hypnotic agent used for induction and maintenance of anesthesia in the surgical suite, not a painkiller). Michael’s levels of propofol were consistent with that of someone who was completely sedated for major surgery and Dr. Calmes made this statement in the autopsy report.

The cause of death was not “overdose with painkillers“. The cause of death was “acute propofol intoxication” – “administered by another“, according to the coroner’s report.

How the sam hell anyone gets that Michael Jackson died “from an overdose of painkillers” from all this is beyond me, but that is what I hear time and time again even now, almost a year after Michael’s death, from the medialoids. Michael was murdered in my opinion, and I am personally unconvinced that murder was not intentional. Here’s a bit of the reason why:

My friend Nikki has researched cases where people have died from propofol and her conclusion thus far is:

When one looks at previous cases where propofol ultimately caused the death of someone in a residence, though they are few and far between, all were either ruled accidental or pre-meditated murder. It was already ruled that Michael did not inject himself–that drops the chance of this being accidental and leaves pre-meditated murder as the only other option.Now, if you want to read about a real drug addict and how drug addicts behave, have a gander at this or take a look at Ozzy Osbourne who is an addict and who even himself stated in regards to Michael’s death:

If you or me had given him that medication, we’d be up for murder. So why isn’t the doctor? That stuff they use only anesthetists should use. Doctors get away with anything. It’s like a club. -Ozzy Osbourne From the previous piece on this issue:

Propofol is not structurally or pharmacologically related in any way to other common anesthetics such as opioids (narcotic pain killers), barbiturates (such as phenobarbital) or benzodiazepines. Propofol has no attraction to receptors that the above drugs commonly interact within the brain–meaning that potential for abuse and/or addiction should be limited. It is actually chemically similar to vitamin E and aspirin.

Information from Table 3A in the autopsy report shows that Jackson did not appear to be a compliant patient–he rarely finished or took his medications as prescribed, including antibiotics which should be finished in most situations. He underutilized almost every medication he had in his possession. For those medication bottles found empty, based on the date the medications were filled at the pharmacy, it is appropriate to have found them completely used. The amount of benzodiazepines remaining and the length of time since being filled/written do not correlate with an addiction. However, Murray’s benzodiazepine-prescribing was more encouraging of establishing a tolerance in his patient (with no apparent tolerance) rather than trying to prevent one from occurring.Conrad Murray’s defense and the media are having a field day spouting misinformation to the public about all of this. They are pumping the lie that Michael was just “another washed-up drug addict who killed himself with drugs“. It’s great for Murray’s defense, but it is scientifically and patently untrue. The evidence is right there in the autopsy report and even in Michael’s own handwriting, above, as well as brief comment from Aphrodite Jones and the evidence found in Michael’s home after his death.

Michael’s death was not just “another celebrity drug overdose“. It is clearly a case of murder and it is about time it was treated like one. John M. Curtis at the Examiner certainly is another who agrees with that assessment as well. Curtis states that Conrad Murray has gotten away with murder and indeed he has, as was evident by the pretentious little show put on for us on June 14th in the courtroom and the fact that Michael’s murderer is still fully licensed to continue his ‘practice‘.

My friend Nikki had one nit to point out though, about Mr. Curtis’s article and his assertion that Murray used a drip to administer the propofol to Michael. Nikki explains why that could not have been possible and how the administration of the gargantuan amount of propofol to Michael had to be repeated manually via bolus injections. This fact adds even more credence to the likelihood Murray’s actions had to be intentional (ie: voluntary manslaughter aka murder) Nikki says:

I agree that this is murder. However, Murray did not set up a drip. There was no mechanical pump available. He likely was unable to set up a gravity system as well considering propofol comes in a glass bottle and need special tubing to flow. That being said, he was having to administer boluses of the drug, confirmed with the syringes that lie on the floor. Murray may not be an anesthesiologist but that does not mean he would be a fool to medications like propofol, Ativan, Versed and Valium. Murray likely used the latter three drugs for sedation to do cardiac catherizations on a regular basis and may have even used propofol before for cardioversions. Many times critically ill patients, including cardiac, are placed on propofol to keep them from fighting the ventilator. Murray is no lay person–he has been an M.D. about 22 years–he knew exactly what he was doing the morning of June 25th. He wasn’t dumb to the risks that he failed to plan for, either.

See the comments below where details are given about the rather odd insurance policy AEG took out on Michael and the shows. This policy apparently ONLY covered “accidental drug overdose“. It did not cover injury or death of natural causes. In order for that policy to pay out, Michael has to be (they NEED him to be) defined as an ‘addict‘, and his death defined as an ‘accident‘.

Here is a video where Phillips himself admits that the insurance will only pay if it’s an “accidental overdose“, which is why it’s being defined that way – besides that it helps Murray’s defense tremendously, as well.

Unfortunately, it appears those ‘in power‘ have already been bought and sold and will not do any justice in this case. We’ve witnessed their recent dog & pony show in the courtroom on June 14th – that pretentious ruse they set up to make a good show of caring about justice, whilst in action, they have no intention whatsoever of appropriately investigating, charging, or punishing Michael’s murder(s). They intend to let them all off scot-free, while Conrad Murray’s defense, along with the help of the lame$tream media, misleads the public once again and as always, about Michael Jackson.

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